Peggy, I took your two lists (the 10 below and the longer table that came by
fax and regrouped them to four groups that seemed to work and resist further
splitting, except to subgroups. The 4 groups are not intended to be equally
sized (some will attract more talks and take a larger share of the program).
I. New technology being transferred to the farm
GPS/Precision Agriculture
Soil ammendments to slow erosion, etc.
II. Farm field management
Nutrient management
Pesticide management
Grower perspectives (this could go in III or IV as well.
III. Status and trends in water quality
Ground water relative to Human health/drinking water
Surface water and sediment related to
Aquatic ecosystem health
Wetland/riparian interactions
IV. Water quality programs and partnerships
Education (CCA program, etc.)
Economics and sustainable systems (whole farm plans, HRM)
Role of federal, state, and local governments (overlap?)
Regulatory vs. non-regulatory approaches
Partnership case studies
It would be mentioned that most or all of these could be discussed relative to
one or more of the 3 major ag. environments: Irrigated, dry farming, and humid
(west-side) farming.
On Mon, 16 Oct 1995 09:44:08 -0700 (PDT)
Peggy Vogue said:
> Sandy,
> I spent a couple minutes going through my previous split of sessions, and
> distilled/expanded 10 session topics:
> Data Interpretation/Risk Assessment
> New Technology and Technology Transfer
> Public/Private Partnerships
> State Initiatives and Management Plans
> Grower/Producer Challanges
> Status of W.Q. in Agricultural Areas
> Overview of Groundwater Quality
> Overview of Surface Water Quality
> Regualtory Approaches to W.Q.
> Non-regulatory Approaches to W.Q.
> As you can see, I cc'd the whole group. I hope this was appropriate.
> Peggy
Sandy(Alex K.)Williamson,Chf,Cent.Col.Plateau Nat.Water Qual.Assess.-NAWQA 1201 Pacific, Tacoma WA 98402 (206)593-6530x235 (-6514fax)