Re: assessing sustainable development

Re: assessing sustainable development

Tom Lamar (
Wed, 27 Sep 1995 21:33:24 -0700

Dear people of vision,

Earlier today Steve posted the following message about a teleconference
featuring Alan AtKisson. I suggest that after you finish that
teleconference and are so juiced by it that you want to put that excitement
to work right here in the Moscow/Pullman area, come to PCEI's Sustainable
Communities workshop later that evening. Alan AtKisson will be in the
flesh in Pullman and he wants to meet you!!! Below Steve's message is a
workshop description posted to the list last week. See you there!

Tom Lamar

>Dear Visionaries,
> The following satellite teleconference will be available for viewing
>"live & with call in capability" in Rm 62 in the Ag Science Bldg.
>The teleconference is on October 9 from 1:30-3:00 pm PDT. Rm 62 is on
>the right after you walk thru the "rainbow arch" doorway of the Ag
>Sc. bldg.
>Steve Cooke

Public Workshop to Address "Sustainable Community" Issues
DATE: Monday, October 9
TIME: 6:30 pm-9 pm
PLACE: Holiday Inn Express Conference Room, Pullman

The Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute (PCEI) is hosting
a public workshop for anyone interested in issues of development,
planning, and community. Alan AtKisson, president of AtKisson &
Associates, Inc., a consulting and communications firm that
assists governments, businesses, and public sector organizations
in making the transition to sustainable development, will lead
the workshop.

AtKisson will focus on the concept of "sustainability" as a
unifying concept for the future of our communities. A
"sustainable" community respects its own diversity, values the
complexity of the natural world, and accepts responsibility for
the social, economic and ecological well-being of present and
future generations through individual and collective actions.

The workshop promises to be relevant to a broad spectrum of

ò Business owners can learn how "sustainable development" promises a
healthy and vital economy
ò Citizens participating will learn the importance of maintaining
environmental and economic vitality for a healthy community and a good
quality of life
ò Community organizers can learn techniques for coalition-building and
mobilizing community members for action
ò Local policy and decision makers can learn how "sustainable
development" can become a widely supported effort that unites diverse
interests in the community
ò Community leaders can learn how to build bridges with economic
interests,local governments, and other diverse entities
ò Students and educators can learn the cutting edge approaches to
sustainable development from around the world

Mr. AtKisson will combine a presentation with hands-on exercises
and activities that will help participants understand the
processes for moving toward sustainability. Through an exciting
and engaging presentation, Mr. AtKisson will empower and impress
participants to work for the betterment of their communities.

The event is part of PCEI's "Sustainable Pullman Project," an
effort to involve community members in individual and collective
actions for the betterment of their community.

The cost for this event is $10 Individiuals/$5 Students. Please register by
calling or emailing PCEI at(208/882-1444,

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