Wenders' polemic, etc.

Wenders' polemic, etc.

Kenton Bird (
Tue, 29 Aug 95 15:20:17 PDT

Jack Wenders' letters and columns are often deliberately outrageous or
provocative in hopes of stimulating a response. Sometimes it's better
just to ignore him, rather than give him the pleasure of knowing that
he got under one's skin. However, I do resent being called a fascist,
and I'm tempted to respond.

As to Ray's comment about managed and logical growth vs. no growth: I
hope this list is big enough to welcome both viewpoints. I put myself
in the former camp, and would appreciate more discussion of tools and
techniques that other communities have used to manage growth. I don't
think land-use planning is either collectivist or fascist, but I think
our arguments need to be presented in ways that their intent is not
misunderstood, and that the benefit to society as a whole is understood.


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