More listservs for the deserving!! Here are two related to grazing
(principally intensive rotational or management intensive) that graziers,
potential graziers or friends of graziers may want to contact:
"graze-it-mg" was started by Bill Bivens, an extension and natural resources
agent in Jackson County, MI. To
subscribe, send the following line:
subscribe graze-it-mg
to the following address:
(address mail to
graze-L is, I think, an international joint effort. To subscribe, send the
following line:
subscribe graze-l (that's lowercase 'L', not numeral 1)
to the following address:
Cheers from Michigan, home of 18 new local grazing networks....
Meg Moynihan, Coordinator "If an egg falls on a rock,
MIFFS: Michigan Integrated too bad, too bad for the egg.
Food & Farming Systems If a rock falls on an egg, too bad for the egg!"
--The Egg & the Rock,
Faith Pettrick