upon reading further.......
i find the "dual personality" re utility infrastructure throughout the draft
POLICY ONE: "...Annex (new developments do that city services can be
POLICY TWO: "... Moscow (utilities will not be provided beyond city
POLICY THREE: "...development of multi user sewer systems will be
GOAL EIGHT: "...assure layout of (infrastructure) of (new) devlopments
be compatible with (city) standards when eventually annexed.
so... we aren't going to extend city services beyond city limits, but we
won't annex areas of development until they have (essentially) been fully
developed, so wells and septic systems will need to be designed for the
interim and later replacement by city piped systems....?
unless i'm not looking at this right, it seems the document is fighting itself:
you can't have city services until you are a part of the city, but you won't
be part of the city until you are developed. since you can't have city
services initially, you need to develop stand alone systems, but then you
need to hook to city systems later on.....
have i missed something?