I have time for just a few brief comments before leaving town for 2 weeks.
(Joel, I'll try to mail more detailed comments before your workshop on
the 28th.)
Here are a few items I'd like to see in the comp. plan section on the
Area of Impact:
1. View corridors: especially to Moscow Mountain, Tomer Butte, Paradise
Ridge and the South Fork of the Palouse drainage. See Louise Barber's
sketch of what Mountainview Rd. might look like with large-lot subdivisions
from Mtn.view Park all the way to the base of the mountain, and you'll see
what we should avoid.
2. Natural and scenic areas: especially Paradise Creek and the S. Fork
of the palouse valleys.
3. urban browth boundaries: why not follow Oregon's example, and determine
what the optimum size for Moscow (area-wise) is ... perhaps you could use
the model of a 20[minute biking distance. Designate open space to clearly
define the town... direct subsequent population growth into satellite
"villages" with their own services and small commercial areas... Joel,
Viola, perhaps a new planned community south of Paradise Ridge.
4. Public participation... in the interest of being good neighbors,
the city should find a way to involve residents of the Area of Impact
in the process. They deserve a voice in decisions affecting their future
quality of life (and livelihood, in the case of farmers), yet don't have
representation on the City Council.
I hope these are helpful. Good luck!