If you're new to the list, we try to meet face to face at least once a
month, usually on the second Monday. Our next meeting will be Monday,
June 12, in the "commons" of Moscow High School (3rd Street entrance)
from 7 to 9 p.m.
So far, the agenda includes:
1. Report on "The Rural Town" conference in Coeur d'Alene by Pam Palmer,
Steve Cooke, and anyone else who attended.
2. Discussion of how ideas from the conference might be applied to Moscow
and Pullman.
3. Discussion of possible Vision 2020 projects for the summer, including
the "visual preference" photography contest.
4. Announcement of June 28 Moscow P&Z workshop on Moscow area of impact
and draft section of the comprehensive plan covering that topic.
Although we usually have refreshments at our meetings, we decided to skip
them this time to simplify clean-up after the meeting. Perhaps we can have
a 2020 picnic in July or August to make up for it.
If you have any questions, you can contact me at kbird@wsu.edu or 883-3156.