The study, conducted by Professor David Patton examined the
operations and capital budgets of seven city departments over 10
years. It found a backlog of $220 million in capital needs that were
deferred in order to fund operational needs created by a growing
As the story points out, the study didn't cover three of the largest
public services--schools, roads, and water.
The story continues:
"That growth doesn't pay for itself already was clear in the case of
the schools. The Boise School District just last week proposed a
$78.9 million bond to build four new schools and improve others. It
was defeated.
That's one hurdle any demand for more services will face: Voters
don't like higher taxes.
'I don't think people have a problem paying for renovating old
buildings, things that exist,' Northeast Boisean Janet French said.
'But if you're being asked to pay for something because more people
come in, that's different. That's why the school bond levy didn't
The study made no recommendations for financing growth.
Ron Force
Dean of Library Services (208) 885-6534
University of Idaho Library Moscow, ID 83844-2371
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