with regard to the corridor issue....
as a former pullman resident, now a moscow resident, i am honestly
very puzzled by the opposition to the use of the rail right of way as a
bike trail. i can't imagine how the elimination of rail (noisy and ground
shaking) (i lived adjacent to rail in spokane for four years, and can attest
to pictures falling off walls, etc) in favor of bicycles (so quiet you don't
notice they are there) could possibly result in LOWER property values.
I do not that at thorensen's (sp???) place that the rail lines are quite close
to the house. a bike path has the flexibility to move further away from
the house whereas rail does not. again, this seems to be a major
it seems this is fear of the unknown, pure and simple, and i wonder if
there are any thoughts as to how to better market the transition to
reduce such fear.
when pam palmer asked for goals recently, i expressed the opinion that
maintaining the corridor right of way for alternative transportation, (bikes
and light rail) is crucial to preserving the rural character of the space
surrounding both moscow and pullman. without such alternate linkages,
it will be terribly difficult to maintain the current character of the
communities. (i assume perhaps naively, that the current character is
something we all want to preserve?)
>>> Roger Coupal <97808069@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu> 05/01/95
11:39am >>>
After a lively debate with some on this bulletin board, I can see issues
that might be worthwhile discussing a little more:
1. After the Cameron farms decision, it might be worthwhile discussing
just what the objectives of our system of zoning regulation are and
perhaps some suggestions on what they should be. What are the
legitimate concerns for zoning? When is just and when is it not?
Obviously the
Cameron farms owners think the P&Z overstepped that legitimacy, others
didn't. In a previous note to me Andy stated that zoning should reflect
community values and costs to the taxpayer. I certainly can agree with
that (as long as those values are my values and those costs are my
costs ;))
2. The Whitman Co. Property owners Assoc. is against rezoning the
moscow/pullman highway, what property tax rate do the residents pay
and should we rethink that?