Moscow City Goals

Moscow City Goals

Pam Palmer (
Tue, 25 Apr 95 13:46 PDT

April 25, 1995

Dear 2020 subscribers,

Here is the list of prioritized goals from last night's City Council goals
workshop. The full list of goals that I sent out earlier was divided into
policies, programs and projects. Each Councilmember was asked to list
their top five goals in each category. Councilmembers were also given a
chance to add any goals that had not been previously stated. I will give
you each category and the prioritized list that the Council created. There
should be an article in today's Daily News. This list will be written up
officially by the consultant for the two workshops and then will be put on
a Council agenda for discussion. After any modifications, the goals will
be passed to the Mayor for use in putting together the city's budget for
the next fiscal year.

(Thanks to everyone who sent in their priorities to me. I found it very
useful, and it helped me in my decisions. I look forward to more people
participating in the future and to more Councilmembers soliciting input in
a similar fashion.)

Here are the results:

#1 Properly improve major streets as development occurs.

#2 Update current zoning ordinance and subdivision standards to
community values.

#3 Develop land use plan within the comprehensive plan for the area of
city impact AND complete comprehensive land use plan update.

#4 Development of Council philosophy and policy of delegation to staff.

#5 Develop comprehensive water management plans.


#1 Multiple year capital planning committee.

#2 Promote legislature to take action.

#3 Improve communications between Council, department heads and

#4 Consider implementation of Home Base program.

#5 Investigate shared use facilities.


#1 Complete design and identify matching funds for Mountainview Road
improvement grant.

#2 Proceed with linear park planning.

#3 Business Park Development.

#4 Finalize concept of south couplet by end of 1995.

#5 Complete Phase II of Styner Avenue extension with signalization and
identify funding sources.


Please e-mail or call me (883-3741) if you have questions about any of
these. The consultant's list will include all the other goals that
Councilmembers included in their top five. (You might have guessed that
there are a few of mine that didn't make the final list.)


Pam Palmer
Moscow City Councilmember
P.O. Box 9203
Moscow, Idaho 83843

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