Members of the Whitman County Property owners Association were scheduled
Wednesday to meet with the county commissioners and request rejection of zone
changes which would allow a bike path on the Moscow/Pullman corridor. The
group stated the "primary purpose of the Pullman-Moscow corridor is
transportation" and not "recreation" or "aesthetics".
A corridor zoning amendment to the Whitman County Comprehensive Plan has been
forwarded to the county commissioners by the planning commission. The
amendment would officially set aside corridor property for such uses as the
bike path.
Members of the property owners association last week noted development of the
path would spend tax funds "with no return to property owners paying the
taxes". They also contend the path would reduce the value of property.
So folks, bikes are not transportation and "tax funds" only come from these
property owners! See what we're up against over here!
Facts are concerning property taxes in Whitman Co., agriculture land is taxed
(because of Open Spaces Act) at 22% of Fair & True Market Value, (about 98
% of the land) when the rest of us (non-farm) pay taxes based on 90%-100% of
True & Fair Market Value.
We are also talking about 1000 farm units ( 2000 people) opposed to the rest
of the 36,000 people. (Whitman County's population is about 38,600). Any
wonder Pullman property taxes are so high? The non-farmers have to make up
the 78% the farmers don't have to pay in property taxes!
These Property Owners are fighting the Sole Source Aquifer designation too,
of course. Nice folks!
Bobbie Moore (