Re: Moscow/Pullman Corridor

Re: Moscow/Pullman Corridor
Tue, 11 Apr 1995 16:07:42 -0400

Kenton and All,

Happy to have your response. I also heard from Kathleen Warren.

Yes, I think Moscow or other correspondence and dialog with the commissioners
could (not easily) perhaps pursuade them to change. The Planning Commission
(with Mark Bordsen)is a lost cause because they have so much invested in
their plan. Also their attitude (at the hearing) is so overwhelming for
agriculture and development, they won't change. Vic and I attended a town
meeting last week that Commissioner Jim Potts held in Pullman. We brought up
the PMC among other things. We asked again about finding out about
commissioner meetings because they had stopped printing the minutes. Comm.
Potts replied (as justification) that our objection was the only one they had
received! He also said they stopped for financial reasons.

We also questioned their decision to NOT televise the commissioner meetings
to be shown to Pullman and Colfax. Comm. Potts repeated his reasons as being
not worthwhile unless the entire county could receive the TV.
<< Pullman has 63% of the population of the county and Colfax has around
2000 pop. He also said it would cost too much, but he didn't have a cost
figure when asked. His only solution to our comments about Whitman Co.
government, was that he would see to having the agendas sent to US. Big deal!

Comm. Potts meeting was interesting too, because 2 or 3 folks that were there
are movers in the Whitman Co. Property Owners,
(WISE USE) folks. They are especially angry with us for appealing to the
State Appeals Board the County's Wetland Ordinance, which EXEMPTS FARM LAND
FROM WETLANDS PROTECTION. By exempting farm land, 98% of the land is not
regulated(protected). We could sure use some letters of support and help in
getting people aware of this disregard for our environment.

Kenton, we are interested in the "community" series, but we are really
stacked up right now. Contact Mike Staley at 334-1470, 1140 Myrtle, Pul. His
roommate is Newton Brown, a city council member.

Thanks, I'm thrilled with the network!


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