>The Linear Park Task Force's public input session has been change from April
>6th to April 20th. It will be held from approximately 4 until 8 at the City
>Coucil Chambers at City Hall. This will be an informal open house. I will
>post more details closer to the meeting date.
>The Linear Park Task Force has a regular meeting tomorrow morning (Wed, the
>8th) at 7:00 am in the City Hall Annex Conference Room. The main agenda item
>is to plan for the pulblic input session on the 20th.
>Please call me at 332-1739 or e-mail me if you have any questions.
>Amanda Arnold
Could you clearify the Linear Park Task Force's role in the failure of the
land swap with Dave Plummer for land along Paradise Creek? The City Council
denied the swap, which was a rare (and FREE!) opportunity to get land along
the creek for a linear park. Now that opportunity is lost, probably forever.
This was a chance for the Task Force to come out strongly in favor of a
linear park through Moscow. Was a very strong statement in favor of this
swap forwarded to the Council, and the Council overlooked your advise? Was
the Task Force lukewarm on the swap? Why did it fail? Can you forsee any
other opportunities to gain right of way along the creek?