Idaho legislature

Idaho legislature

Peckham David (
Tue, 7 Mar 1995 09:46:17 -0800 (PST)

HB 191, which woudl allow municipalities to charge impact fees has passed
the house, 54-12. The legislation is nearly identical to that approved
specifically for Boise a few years ago. It now goes to senate
committee. Please spread the word and make sure your senator supports
this bill.

HB 214, to force elective districts for Boise city council, is a
mean-spirited effort by Boise developer Richard B. Smith to force out
planning concious city council members Ann Hausrath and Paula Forney.
Support local decision-making and our fellow visionaries by urging reps
to vote against this bill. As of Tuesday morning, it is still in Local
Govrnement committe in th House.

Statehouse can be reached at 1-800-626-0471, or 208-334-2000.

virtually yours,
dave Peckham

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