> On Thu, 26 Jan 1995, Kenton wrote:
> Jim Becker resigned from the Moscow Planning and Zoning Commission at Wednesday
> 's meeting. He is moving to Seattle to become a regional manager for GTE. He w
> as chair of the P&Z for the last two or three years, and will be missed.
> How is the new Chair selected? I loudly nominate Joel!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the thought! Actually, P&Z officers are elected by the
Commission at their first meeting of the calendar year -- which was two
weeks ago. I nominated Jay Pengilly for chair, and he was unanimously
elected. First vice-chair is Bill Morscheck, and I was elected as second
vice chair.
As second vice chair, my only administrative role is to run
meetings if both the chair and first vice chair are absent -- which does
happen occasionally. (I remember one meeting several years ago when we
had a quorum, but the chair, first vice chair, and second vice chair were
all absent -- so the Commission elected me as temporary chair to run a
public hearing.)
I have served as chair for about four years during two terms in
the past -- and I think I am just as effective when I serve as a regular
member. The chair doesn't really have that much power. Certainly it is a
lot more fun to not have to run the meetings. I expect that Jay will do a
good job as chair.
The two openings on the commission are the important thing at the
moment. Lets make sure the mayor has some good candidates to choose from!
Joel Hamilton