Kenton (
Tue, 24 Jan 95 13:44:12 PST
Sorry to fill your mailboxes with 2020 news, but there's a lot going on in the
next two weeks:
W Ja 25 - Shared Facilities Task Force, 8 a.m., Latah Courthouse, room 2-B.
W Ja 25 - Moscow School Board, 7 p.m., high school annex. Consideration of pol
icy on controversial materials (i.e., "The Wall").
W Ja 25 - Moscow Planning & Zoning Commission, 7 p.m., council chamber, City Ha
ll, discussion of goals for '95 and area of city impact.
*Th Ja 26 - The kick-off public presentation on Shared Facilities (previously p
osted for this date) has been postponed. Stay tuned for a new date.
F Ja 27 - Linear Park Task Force, 7 a.m., conference room, City Hall annex, mee
ting with National Park Service consultant.
*Sa Ja 28 - PCEI eco-cuisine dinner, 6 p.m., Eggan Youth Center, east D. Square
dancing follows (are you calling, Fritz?). *Note change in place and date fro
m previous posting.
Mo Ja 30 - Moscow City Council and Moscow P&Z, joint meeting to set goals for t
he year, 7:30 p.m., council chamber, City Hall. I'm not sure whether public pa
rticipation will be permitted, but a good showing of 2020 folks would express s
upport for long-range, community-based planning.
And from Suvia, the following schedule of Latah P&Z meetings:
Generally the first Wednesday of each month is for public hearings and the thir
d Wednesday is for planning.
Jan. 25 - hearings
Feb. 1 - hearings
Feb. 15 - discussion of rural residential rezone options
March 1 - hearings
March 15 - planning, possibly presentation on public participation
"I am invited to arrange a one-hour presentation to the P&Z on enhanced public
particiation and community-based planning for the second meeting of March or Ap
ril. I agreed to produce two local professionals, with differing methods, to s
peak. They should be people who can go on to donate time to lead the county in
a pilot of a new process. I am hoping one speaker will be Tom Hudson. Please
contact me with suggestions for another speaker.
"I note that Planner Gerard Billington made clear later that he expects the pil
ot to be the Comp Plan process. This makes sense to me because of the obvious
need to articulate community values. --Suvia"
Suvia is not on the Internet. You can contact her at 882-4785 (9 to 11 p.m. is
a good time to call) or respond via E-mail to me, and I'll pass on suggestions
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