To <<insure>> make sure that <<the>> many and varied residents
<<have the oportunity to>> take part in visualizing and planning
for the community's future.
To <<encourage>> collaboration between the various entities that
plan for and make decisions about the future of Moscow and
Latah County
<<To encourage public interaction with the above within an on-going
framework of discussion>>
To raise awareness on the part of public officials and citizens that
(a) growth is not always good and
(b) short-term decisions have long-term consequences
<<(a) is a netagive statement. Consider rephrasing along the lines of:
"uncontrolled and unplanned growth may cause problems">>
To have fun thinking critically
To inform ourselves about growth and development issues so we're in a
better position to [lead?] <<provide input to our leaders??>>
<<consider re-phrase as its very "we" centric:
To insure that the people of latah county are informed and knowledgable
concerning issues of growth and development soas to provide quality
input to our community leaders.>>