Linda Pall's comments

Linda Pall's comments

Kenton (
Thu, 19 Jan 95 13:46:37 PST

In response to Linda Pall's observations (as reported by Bill):
1. Does anyone know which seats on the School Board are up this year? Last yea
r it was zones 2 and 5, so this year it might be just zone 3. But there have b
een several people appointed to fill unexpired terms, so they might have to run
for full terms this year. Is Jack Hill or anyone else from the School Distric
t on the Internet? It would be nice to have an official link there...
2. I met with the Linear Park task force in November to talk about public parti
cipation strategies that we used with the 6th Street Bike Path, so I'm surprise
d that Amanda Arnold hasn't gotten back to me about their planned meetings. I
do like the idea of a game or exercise to identify the possible route. It woul
d be especially good for identifying the landowners along the creek and pointin
g out parcels that are vulnerable to imminent development. This might work wel
l in conjunction with Joel's idea for a game on "Do you know what zone your nei
ghborhood is in?"

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