W Jan. 18 - 7 p.m., Latah Co. P&Z, 7 p.m., rm. 2-b, courthouse.
W Jan. 18 - 6:30 p.m., Goals 2000 Town meeting, sponsored by Moscow School Dist
rict and UI College of Education, rm. 103, UI law building. Topic: "On line le
W Jan. 25 - Moscow School Board, 7 p.m., location TBA, to ratify new policy on
controversial materials in the classroom.
Th Jan. 26 - Moscow Shared Facilities Task Force, public presentation on archit
ect's report, 7 p.m., Mos. Comm. Ctr.
Th. Jan. 26 - Latah Co. Democrats, 7:30 p.m., 4-H kitchen, fairgrounds, speaker
, Jim Fisher, Lewiston Tribune editorial writer.
Feb. 8-9-10 - NW Power Planning Council in Pullman, location TBA.
Th. Feb. 1 - Goals 2000 town meeting (see above), location TBA, 6:30 p.m. Topi
c: "Mobilizing Communities to Improve Schools"
Su. Feb. 19 - Moscow Food Co-Op annual meeting, Mos. Comm. Ctr., time TBA
March 3 and 4 - Palouse Water Summit, UI north campus ctr. Details TBA
I'll try to update this list weekly if someone could send me a hard copy.