Any idae when the bike plan elements may get back to p & Z? Dale P has
had them since august.
On the ACI and possible zoning for extra large lots, those adorable
mini-ranchettes, is there interest in providing for that adjacent to
steep areas? Such a zone may accomaodate the demand as long as it is
done in a manner to strongly encourage relatively clustered housing,
protects the fragile slopes from homebuilding, overgrazing by the
picturesque horses and other erosive activites. Mozer's 68 acre latest
on what Hodge engineer Dave Plummer admitted was "the steepest ground
ever developed in Moscow" is a mistake that i hope will never be
repeated. I haven't been by there in several days, but previous passings
have shown a great deal of erosion from neighboring development, and
ground hasn't yet been broken on the really steep stuff.
Is Suvia on-line yet? I'll bet she'd have a comment on the above. In
anticipation of that, any extra-large lot zoning for steep areas should
also include restrictions against "visual degredation" (i.e. ridgetop
construction) but thats probably not realistically do-able in todays
``private property rights' political climate.
cheers dave