Pat Hine is currently investigating and setting up a listserver
for Moscow Vision 2020 that will be provided by the UI Computer
Services. This is totally COOL! For those unfamiliar with how
this works, I will provide details when we're ready to open it
up. Briefly, however, it means that anyone with access to an
e-mail account (commercial, educational, organizational...whatever)
may SUBSCRIBE to the listserver. That enables the subscriber to
view everything posted on the listserver. This listserver will be
devoted to discussions, announcements, and the like, that fall
under the realm of Moscow Vision 2020 areas of interest and
I will compose an introductory message for subscribers describing
the parameters of this particular listserver, ETIQUETTE suggestions,
and the mission statement of Moscow Vision 2020. The listserver
will be available to the entire e-mail community. So, we'll hope
to have with us...commissioners, council members, P & Z folks, and
activists of all flavors. Wow.
Yes, I will remind you again later that the January 10th meeting
at Bill London's home begins at 7:00 p.m. (we really try to keep
it under 2 hours).
Travel safely,